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Information Security Systems Based on Biomolecular Information Processing
Guinevere Strack and Evgeny Katz

Digital information processing paradigms have inspired the design of chemical and biochemical systems operating with computational functionalities. Biomolecule-based unconventional computing has been applied to information security systems and demonstrated with DNA, but as emphasized herein, with biocatalysts and antibodies as well. Using conventional digital circuitry as inspiration, a keypad lock design was configured using biocatalytic cascades and antibody bio-recognition sequences. The biomolecular keypad locks were interfaced with switchable electrodes and incorporated into a model biofuel cell to demonstrate logically controlled power output. In addition, a robust bioelectronic interface served as a key that unlocks strings of digital code; the generated code—based on the control of the oxygen reduction reaction—produced a directly readable barcode.

Keywords: Keypad lock, Logic gate, Enzyme, Antibody, Molecular logic, Information security, Biofuel cell, Barcode, Biocatalytic electrode

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