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Heuristique De Symétrisation En Reconstruction Et Dans La Formalisation En Sciences Humaines
Gerard Lopez

The term heuristic is:

  • An algorithm, as in computing, the word «heuristic» is also directly used in computing, or
  • A method. For example: the method of (k,p)-isomorphism due to Roland Fraïssé which allows him to rewrite the mathematical logic, or
  • A principle or a concept , not belonging to the mathematical field itself but may be considered as a source of either a theorem or a guidance for research.

In this paper, we show how the same principle: the symmetry, through both a theme of combinatorics called “reconstruction” and the discipline of the human sciences called “social psychology”. In these two domains, this principle is not apparent even though implemented. This principle seems interesting to be examined particularly because its heuristic contribution in the cited works.

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