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The Relevant Role that Natural Computing Can Play in the Development of Complexity Science
Pier Luigi Gentili

Humanity is spurred to tackle multi-sectorial global challenges involving everyone on Earth. Global challenges require global agendas to be faced. Global plans focus on the management of Complex Systems. Therefore, the development of Complexity Science is urgent. This contribution outlines the investigation of Complex Systems from an ontological and epistemological point of view. It highlights the relevant role of Natural Computing in facing the description, prediction, and more in-depth comprehension of Complex Systems. Its rationale constitutes an interpretative key for describing and understanding the behaviour of Complex Systems. Furthermore, developing new algorithms and possibly new computing machines will allow humanity to tackle Epistemological Complexity more effectively. Among all the possible sources of inspiration, human intelligence is undoubtedly the most in vogue. This work reveals that the imitation of human intelligence and the consequent development of Artificial Intelligence can be carried out not only through traditional strategies but also through Molecular, Supramolecular, and Systems Chemistries. Chemical Artificial Intelligence promises to contribute to understanding the ontology of Complex Systems and facing epistemological Complexity.

Keywords: Complex systems, natural computing, artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, chemical artificial intelligence, emergent properties, neuromorphic engineering

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