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p. 1-2
Parallel Perspectives
By Joan Marter and Margaret Barlow

p. 3-44
Portraits, Issues, Insights

3 Emma Amos: Art as Legacy
By Lisa E. Farrington

12 Lee Bontecou: Plastic Fish and Grinning Saw Blades
By Mona Hadler

19 Painting Marriage: Eva Hesse’s Abstract Expressionism
By Kirsten Swenson

26 My Memories of Eva Hesse
By Cindy Nemser

29 Caroline Shawk Brooks: The “Centennial Butter Sculptress”
By Pamela H. Simpson

37 Martha Coffin Derby’s Grand Tour: “It’s Impossible to Travel Without Improvement”
By Jessica Lanier

p. 45-67

45 In Passionate Pursuit: A Memoir By Alessandra Comini
Reviewed by Virginia Pitts Rembert

46 Women and Experimental Filmmaking Edited By Jean Petrolle and Virginia Wright Wexman
Reviewed by Shana McGuire

49 Frida Kahlo Edited by Emma Dexter and Tanya Barson
I Will Never Forget You… Frida Kahlo to Nickolas Muray: Unpublished Photographs and Letters By Salomon Grimberg
Reviewed by Lynda Hoffman-Jeep

51 Gertrude Stein: Woman Without Qualities By G. F. Mitrano
Reviewed by Julie L’Enfant

53 Painting the Difference, Sex and Spectator in Modern Art By Charles Harrison
Reviewed by Britta C. Dwyer

56 The Invention Of The Model: Artists And Models In Paris, 1830-1870 By Susan Waller
Reviewed by Heather McPherson

59 The Satirical Gaze: Prints of Women in Late Eighteenth-Century England By Cindy McCreery
Reviewed by Heidi Strobel

61 Envisioning Gender in Burgundian Devotional Art, 1350-1530: Experience, Authority, Resistance By Andrea Pearson
Reviewed by Martha L. Dunkelman

63 The Medusa Reader Edited by Marjorie Garber and Nancy J. Vickers
Reviewed by Carolyn Springer

64 Byzantine Women and Their World By Ioli Kalavrezou
Reviewed by Marice E. Rose

Color Plates

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