Post Tagged with: "HTHP"
Metrologists strengthen, women diversify High Temperatures – High Pressures editorial board
A strong contingent from the world’s metrology institutes and the first two women are features of a remodeled editorial board of High Temperatures – High Pressures. Commenting on the changes, HTHP Co-Editor-in-Chief, Iván Egry says, “We had to expand our editorial board in order to properly reflect the broad scope […]
High Temperatures — High Pressures (HTHP) impact factor celebrated at board meeting
High Temperatures — High Pressures new impact factor is 0.138. Awarded by the prestigious ISI Web of Knowledge, possession of this metric is one of the most attractive features of scientific journals. Chief Editors, Ivan Egry and Jean-François Sacadura, have already noticed an upturn in requests to join the editorial […]