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ID-Based Authenticated Group Key Agreement Protocol from Bilinear Pairings for Wireless Mobile Devices
Jia-Lun Tsai, Nai-Wei Lo and Tzong Chern

A group key agreement protocol is a group communication mechanism that allows a set of parties to determine a group key used for encrypting/ decrypting subsequent communication messages through an insecure channel. Based on the rapid development of wireless and mobile technologies, researchers have proposed several group key protocols for mobile environments. In these protocols, the computational cost of each mobile device is fixed, but each mobile user must hold the public keys of all other users. This study proposes an identity-based authenticated group key agreement protocol for mobile environments based on bilinear pairings. In the proposed scheme, the public key of the user can be easily derived from the user’s identity. Therefore, each user is not required to hold the public keys of the other entities. In this approach, the computational cost of each mobile user is independent of the number of mobile users; that is, the computational cost of each mobile user is fixed. The proposed protocol meets the usual security requirements and resists well-known attacks.

Keywords: Authenticated group key, bilinear pairings, group communication, identity-based, mobile.

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