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Effects of Hemodynamic Parameters and involved Processes on Mass Transport through Arterial Wall for Localization and Progression of the Disease, Atherosclerosis: A Review
Somnath Santra, Dipak Kumar Mandal and Somnath Chakrabarti

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the large artery that generally involves a characteristic accumulation of atherogenic species in the arterial wall. The transport process of the atherogenic species, such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL), from the bulk fluid flow to and across the arterial wall contributes to the lipid accumulation. This paper focuses on the structure and function of the arterial layers, different mass transport processes across the arterial wall that mediate the disease, atherosclerosis and the general pathways for transportation. The effects of the hemodynamic factors on the initiation and progression of the disease atherosclerosis have also been discussed in this review. Finally, this review discusses some mathematical models for better understanding of the involved process and involved factors lead to disease, atherosclerosis.

The outcome of further works in this field can lead towards the development of therapeutic strategies for atherosclerotic diseases.

Keywords: LDL, atherosclerosis, Transmural pressure, Shear-stress, endothelium, intima, SMC (smooth muscle cell), leaky junction, normal junctions

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