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Magnetically Controlled Convection of Paramagnetic Fluid in an Enclosure
Hiroyuki Ozoe and Janusz S. Szmyd

The natural and magnetic convection of paramagnetic fluid (for example, air) is studied in a cubic enclosure heated and cooled from opposing vertical walls. The magnetic coil is inclined around the Y-axis and then Z-axis with its origin located at a center of a cubic enclo-sure. With different strengths of magnetic field, the convection of air is enhanced depending on both angles of inclination. The second system is a vertical cylindrical enclosure whose upper side wall is cooled and lower one is heated with intermediate one thermally adiabatic. A magnetic coil is placed around the cylinder coaxially at various levels. Depending on the level of the coil, the convection and heat transfer rates can be controlled extensively. This configuration of thermal boundary condition similar to the thermo-siphon gives various isothermal patterns of spokes. The number of spokes has been found to depend on the strength of the magnetic field.

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