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An Energy-Efficient Method for Global Connectivity and Minimum Number of Active Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
Hamid Karimi

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are usually characterized by dense deployment of energy constrained node. In such a network, more active nodes consume more energy and shorten the network lifetime. An energy-efficient approach is nodes management, mainly switched off or deactivating some redundant nodes during some periods of time. The redundant nodes are those that disabling them does not affect the overall performance of the network such as full connectivity and coverage. This paper presents two methods for identifying redundant nodes in large-scale WSN networks. The proposed methods can identify more redundant nodes, especially lateral redundant nodes, based on heuristic graph theories in the network graph. The simulation results showed that the proposed methods work well both in dense and non-dense WSNs and reduces the overall network energy consumption better than the previous method.

Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Connectivity, Coverage, Nodes switching off, Power control

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