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American Poetry Review
Editor-in-chief: Elizabeth Scanlon
ISSN: 0360-3709 (print)
ISSN: 2162-4984 (online)
44 pages/issue · 10.5″ x 14″
Issue Coverage: Volume 38 (2009) – Present

The American Poetry Review publishes original poetry, literary criticism, interviews, and essays.

You may submit online or send your manuscript to:

The American Poetry Review
320 S. Broad St.
Hamilton #313
Philadelphia, PA 19102.

Please do not send previously published material.

If you mail a submission, it must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope for our reply. No reply will be made to unaccepted manuscripts that are not accompanied by a SASE.  

Our response time is approximately six months. Please do not inquire about the status of your submission unless more than six months have passed. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please inform us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

Copyright: APR holds first serial rights for material that we publish. The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication. We do not require that material be copyrighted prior to submission.