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Development of Small Molecule Acceptors (OSCs) for High Performance Polymeric Solar Cells
Ghayah M. Alsulaim and Y.H. Elbashar
Organic Solar Cells (OSCs) can convert solar energy into electricity using only organic materials, usually mixed together in what is called a heterogeneous bond (BHJ). The use of OSCs has many advantages, such as low cost, light weight, flexibility, light transmission, and ease of processing. We were able to increase the efficiency of OSCs to more than 18%, mainly thanks to the development of new non-fullerenic receptors (NFAs). We were able to adjust the energy levels of these NFAs through the Molecular Designer, where we allowed them to run custom properties in addition to light harvesting (bandgap) to match the higher energy levels of their donor counterparts. However, these exceptional efficiencies have been achieved in small laboratory devices fabricated using spin coating technology in a controlled environment at various thicknesses (100-200-300-400-500 nm).
Keywords: Small molecule acceptors (SMAs), polymeric solar cells, photovoltaic performance at different thickness