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Intensity Dependent Higher Order Dispersion Effects in Optical Fiber
Bhavana Kshirsagar and A. A. Koser

Chromatic dispersion is one of the most significant factors that limit transmission capacity in optical communication system. The increasing transmission rates of optical communication system involve better knowledge of the effect of dispersion. As the transmission intensity is increases, influence of higher order dispersion also increases. Dispersion which was studied by considering as a part of the linear effect, in this paper we have taken it as nonlinear and studied higher order dispersive effects. The main focus of this paper is on the phenomena of pulse broadening, oscillation and spectral evolution that occur within a pulse due to the inclusion of higher order dispersive parameters. In this paper Pico-second laser pulse propagation in optical fiber is demonstrated and investigated by numerical simulation. The simulation is done with the help of non linear Shrodinger equation with the aid of Math cad program. For a short duration pulse intensity dependent higher order dispersion effects are more prominent. These effects depend on the input pulse intensity, propagation length and pulse width. This paper presents a method of calculating the intensity dependent higher order dispersive parameters. We could understand the importance of second, third and fourth order dispersion on the shape for high intensity transmission systems.

Keywords: chromatic dispersion, group velocity dispersion (GVD), third order dispersion (TOD),fourth order
dispersion, Kerr nonlinearity, dispersion length, pulse broadening

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